Hi friends,
It’s me again, Patrick, the one who often speak up when something happens with Jelly Key.
Thanks for your support until now, and your feedback from day one. As you may know, there are a lot of things are going on for the past few months at Jelly Key and with Jelly Key team. Such as late shipment, defected keycap, and issue with miscommunication of customer support and you name it.
You may ask why the brand that you used to love involved in so much trouble.
First is the delay of shipment which is caused mostly by something of our control such as lost package includes more than 200 keycaps cause by Chinadivision (fulfilment service in China) leads to late shipment as (read more). And recent Jelly Key keycap design is very challenging to draft, which is beyond our expectation.
Second, the detected keycap(s) is NOT what we want. It cost us much more for each detected keycap. The cost includes shipping cost back (3-30$ per keycap) and for, and the cost of making new keycaps, which eventually higher than the price of the keycap itself. However, the satisfaction of our fan is more valuable, thus offer the one on one replacement and from now, we extended the windows to 14 days after receiving the keycap. The amount of returned or replaced keycap we sent out is less than 5 percents. But still, it is my responsibility to minimize the defected.
Next, the miscommunication of the team about the product features a feedback is because the lack of supervising from me since I in charge of any communication come from Jelly Key team.
I realized that all of the things above can be handled if Hùng (Joiha) and I could pay more attention to the operation of the Jelly Key team. For months, both of us had been following other projects of our own business and spent a little time with Jelly Key team, we believed the team can handle themselves, but it was not. If there is someone need to take responsibility of all of that issue are Hùng and me, not the artisans of Jelly Key team.
After all, both of us are the one who started the whole thing and gathered everyone into one Jelly Key team. Thus, I come to a conclusion that if we want to keep Jelly Key in the map both of us need to stay in the studio more and prioritize our time for Jelly Key. They need to act as the QCer, the team leads as we used be in the first days of Jelly Key. The one who currently in charge of that task has to leave the team.
Everyone made mistake, we made mistake but it’s not mean that we are going to give up and let our fan suffer its consequence. We will stay and keep Jelly Key alive we want to gain back the truth from our fan. Jelly Key is something that we are proud of, and we will keep it on the map of mechanical keyboard.
Read our Weekly update July 10 2017
Thank you!
Patrick Pham – Jelly Key