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Cat Knights – When the knights of visions rise…
Steven’s sleep continued to be disturbed by visions – visions of a cat-man with big eyes and trust-worthy look, half earnest, half sweet.“I’m Trevor, one of the Cat Knights in Dream Realm. We’re called brilliant detectives for our stunning ability of investigation.” The knight greeted.
“Hi, but why are you here talking to me in my dreams?” Steven can’t help his curiosity.
“This is one of our assignments for the weekend. Dream God complains we’re too quiet, too introverting, too distant, and you know they say to be successful at work you need to also widen your network, so… help me.”
“To improve your communication skills you mean?” Steven started to have a liking for this weird character. An unexplainable feeling that told him this could be a fun guy.
“Yes.” The knight replied.
“How? What can I do for you?”
And they started to talk to get to know each other.
To make sure everyone got their better-than-average sleep, the Knight introduced their duty that they will help to detect bad dream causers through their visions.
“Unlike other Knights who work on Dream streets to detect bad guys, I work in a lab instead. I’m in charge of studying the deadbodies of new kinds of monsters. Yesterday, I examined the monsters with three heads. The eyes are crimson.” The Knight recalled.“Oh, what kind of bad dreams would they generate?” Steven asked.
“I found in her brains the chemicals that are anti-A-character. I put some samples in our testing system to see what happens. And I saw some visions of nightmares where students got a D, a B but never an A for their critical exams. Another vision is that plan A never works, so people must be very panicked to have that dreams if they are planning an important event in real life.”
“Oh my!” Steven exclaimed then thought to himself, “damn little monster, it must have done something with my dreams whenever I’m going to kick off an important project!”So, I have submitted my analysis to other departments, heard they have invented some liquid to deactivate this anti-A chemical.”
“Awww, good job! Thanks.” Steven cheered.
“Please have this form marked, you can also add some comments about my communication skills here. My boss would be pleased. Hope you’re not carrying that anti-A chemical in your body.”
“Hahaha, will I see you again?” Steven marked an A and then asked the Knight.
“I’m not sure. We may not see each other again but we are there as always, protecting people’s sweet dreams. To make sure you wake up with blissful energy every morning. That’s my job, I’m sure.”